Tuesday, May 15, 2007

S.C. Republican Debate Takes the Gloves Off

Watching the S.C. Republican debate tonight, I was glad to see the Fox News moderators push the candidates to answer the questions that were asked and not let them off the hook until an adequate answer was given. The debate had its winners, Huckabee, and its losers, Ron Paul. Here are the rankings in their respective orders:

Best to Worst:
1. Mike Huckabee
2. Rudy Guliani
3. Mitt Romney
4. Tom Tancredo
5. John McCain
6. Duncan Hunter
7. Tommy Thompson
8. Sam Brownback
9. Jim Gilmore
10. Ron Paul

To cap off the night, I think the one thing that clearly came out of this debate is that Ron Paul should end his campaign for the presidency effective immediately. After being severely rebuked by Rudy and the entire crowd for his idiotic comment about 9/11, his voice was literally shaking when the moderators asked him to respond. It's not just that it was a freshman mistake, rather it's the fact that his comment and thus thought process is tainted and wrong. I will post more on the strengths and weakness of the candidates in the debate in a follow up post, but I'd like to hear your opinions on the winners and the losers, so feel free to post in the mean time.

On the trail,

Joe Republican

1 comment:

Yoda said...

The best moments of the night in my humble opinion:

1. Rudy laying the smackdown on Ron Paul.

2. Romney stating that McCain-Kennedy will do for immigration what McCain-Feingold has done for campaign finance reform getting money out of politics. Nice shot!

3. Huckabee's line about congress spending money like John Edwards in a beauty shop. Too funny!

4. Tancredo's line about wanting Jack Bauer in response to a question on questioning gitmo detainees.

Wait, does this make me the first commentor here?