Wednesday, May 16, 2007

S.C. Debate Follow-up Review

Following last night's debate, I posted my rankings for the candidates performances. Some may have been shocked that I placed Mike Huckabee above Rudy in the rankings, however, looking at the whole debate and it's potential implications for Iowa Straw Poll voters, I stand by my rankings. Mike Huckabee came across as the only clear, articulate, non-wavering conservative in the group. I'm not saying that the other candidates aren't conservative, I'm simply saying that each of the other candidates have baggage from past statements / votes that they need to explain to Iowa's conservative voters over and over again in order to gain their support. Sam Brownback has, until last night, owned the Pro-Life issue in Iowa. Last night, Huckabee laid his cards on the table and took that issue away from Brownback. Having to now share the spotlight with Huckabee on the pro-life issue will greatly hurt Brownback, as he doesn't own any other issue. If Huckabee can get some financial support in the next month, I think he could move from a 2nd tier campaign to fighting with the big guys.

Rudy Guliani started very slow with bad jokes and unclear responses to the questions, but he owned the stage when he rebuked Ron Paul for his unjustified comment on the 9/11 attacks. Rudy owns the defense against terror issue and no other candidate has been able to steal the spotlight. That said, Rudy's performance in last night's debate could have been a great tool for his campaign to use to get supporters to the Ames Straw Poll, but he's still deciding whether he wants to play. I think it was a major missed opportunity for his Iowa campaign, because they've been dragging their feet on staffing up and making a run to win the Straw Poll and take the nomination. In my view, it's simple; if Rudy does not make an all-out run to win the Straw Poll, he will do very poorly in the Caucuses and will not be the Republican nominee for president.

On a lighter note, a special shout out to Yoda for being the first blogger to respond to my post. Thanks and spread the word.

On the trail,

Joe Republican

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