Thursday, May 17, 2007

Rastetter for Senate in '08?

Rumors are flying that Iowa Falls native Bruce Rastetter may run against Tom Harkin in '08. Rastetter is CEO of Hawkeye Renewables and has the money to personally finance a top-notch campaign. He also has an acute knowledge of Iowa's new goldmine, ethanol & renewable fuels. While Rastetter would be a great conservative candidate, I don't think he will run. He has been around GOP politics long enough to know the uphill battle of running against Harkin, but more than that, he is the CEO of a fairly new company that is really just getting started in the ethanol movement. While Rastetter has not formally said he will not run, I'm interested to know who you think should be the GOP candidate against Harkin in '08? Some have suggested Bob Vanderplaats may take a jab at it, but with a series of gubernatorial losses, I find it hard to fathom that he'd run.

The fact that Rastetter's name has come to such prominence should tell us something about the type of candidate the GOP should run against Harkin. We need a candidate that doesn't fit the traditional mold of a current office holder running for a higher office. Perhaps you'd disagree, but let's find a Rastetter like candidate that can finally take out Harkin in '08. This could be the year to send the junior senator back to the barn he calls home in Iowa.

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